Change We Can Believe In
If the true voice of the people is to be heard the presidential elections must not be influenced, or as is true now, or dictated by the 2 major parties. If we continue with the present system we will only be given candidates supported by the 2 major parties and those candidates being given to the parties, are in fact, provided by "special interest" groups. I mean candidates provided us by major cash contributors or "big money". In every presidential election in recent history we see this happen. The founding fathers gave us a way to change the Constitution to allow for new ideas. I believe their must be a way to change the presidential election to a real majority rules type of event. Modern technology is being used in every facet of our present life. Except in a few instances, our way of government being one, these new ways have proved to be far more reliable, accurate, and useful. Tell me why we can't find a way to allow everyone eligible to use cell phones, land phones, pay phones, blackberries or hand held instruments of some kind, to make their choices known. I know it can be done some way, anything has to be better than the antiquated way we do it now. Ask yourself were you really happy with the choice of individuals we wound up with to run for the job of president? Wouldn't you have liked to really take part in a vote on who won each debate? Again the new technology phones or computer methods of communication should allow for input from everyone for their opinion on the debates. Presently you are being driven by the "party line" during election season and you haven't even been given any chance to consider other opinions or allowed to voice your own. I would like to offer this idea.