Friends..................Hillary,makes me worry about hucksterism at it's finest by her spouse! Barack sounds too much like a coming of a false god,youthful and inspiring,yet can go to church for 20 yr's and never say or do anything about the pastor's false representations of our country,white men or government.And John Mccain,and John Mccain,and....well he's too old????? What's wrong with 71,most of us will reach this age and I think most of us believe they will be able to make decisions as well as we always did.The key here being decision making,as assisted as always by a bevy of advisors,a Senate and Congress,and Military advisors.Stop Gap checks and balances galore.....................Of the 3 who may soon be seated as our new president,with none of them looking as a standout,after reviewing my comments on the screen in front of me,the standout is ....................John Mccain
I think all voters should watch and learn from the actions of the candidates, the DNC, and the Democtatic party in whole. The decisions they have made in leading their own party through their primary process has led to division, strife, turncoating, second guessing and, maybe worst of all, disinfranchising their very own voters from the political process. Please imagine what disasters would surely prevail if any person from this organization would ever become President of the United States and leader of the free world.
Why is it that some entitlements begin to interest me.If this is a natural occurence.Then refer to my last blog, where I mention a possible solution to our financial problems.The Democratic party has many times over the years drifted towards socialistic ideas and has won many costly entitlement programs. In my youth I discarded these programs as unnecessary towards the successful future of our "Representative Republic" Democracy.......
The bottom line, is that without entitlement reform, a balanced budget would require taxes to rise about 15 percent in 10 years, and 30 percent in 20 years. Any politician who promises to balance the federal budget without curbing entitlement spending (or eliminating all defense and discretionary spending) must, by necessity, support major tax increases. (Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D.
Entitlements as defined by the Free Dictionary is "A government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group". This philosophy began with 'rights' for Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid recepients. Entitlements and entitlement programs are often confused with programs related to discretionary spending. Whatever the case may be, many voters have come to believe they are entitled to something, with their hands out, which is due in large part to Democratic programs created over the years which do just that: handing out monies to people and projects. This is the basic difference between Republican and Democratic financial philosophies. Dems believe in spending at the bottom of the food chain, whereas Reps follow the trickle down method of giving tax breaks, or incentives and letting the finacial benefits trickle down. Many voters have become trained to expect hand outs and promises of "entitlements" is a way of garnishing votes. This may lead to a Dem controlled Washington for two or not more than four years, hopefully guaranteeing a return to a more disciplined and fiscally responsible, Republican controlled
Washington thereafter. One can only hope.
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